Computer Vision In Geo-science

Computer Vision In Geo-science


Naive 3D seismic fault segmentation workflow in Python

This post is mostly to share back with the community what I’ve learned in my playground session with Kerry-3D Seismic data.

Kerry-3D is collection of Data provided by the New Zealand Crown Minerals is a prestack migrated final volume. The volume is 1 GBytes. All data are time migrated.

Please refer to the


This notebook aims at presenting a simple example of relative seismic inversion. This notebook uses both the Kerry3D data and the Volve data as input data to our inversion and we will leverage the open-source segyio along with pylops libraries to accomplish our task as follows:

  • Data is read from SEG-Y file using segyio (note that for the Volve data we will have to deal with irregular geometry)
  • Relative seismic inversion is applied by means of pylops.avo.poststack.PoststackInversion
  • Inverted data is saved back to SEG-Y file using segyio

    Pictorial representation of the workflow -

Want to get access of free loads of 3D Seismic Datasets

Please access "The SEG Wiki" The SEG Wiki's main mission is to supply scientific materials to the geoscience community.

Well! A sample (An example 3D plot of a subset of Kerry-3D) data and inline and xline displays are below -

Working with Seismic Data (3D data)

Ability to work with Seismic Data has been a sore spot for some time. How to go about converting Seismic data (generally SEGY files with .SGY extensions) to numpy arrays/Tensors, Seismic image processing, and particularly morphological image processing, to the task of fault segmentation, et al? So, think about -

  • how to read seismic volumes as NumPy arrays?
  • how to manipulate the similarity to create a discontinuity/fault volume?
  • how to write the fault volume to SEG-Y file using re-using the headers from the input file?
  • how to basic Segy editing, such as how to perform manipulations of traces length, both resampling and cutting, etc?
  • how to transfer binary and trace headers in pandas dataframes and visualize headers and data with matplotlib?
  • how to perform Seismic inversion, such as how to download and read a SEG-Y file, perform colored inversion to a portion of the data and saved the inversion result in a brand new SEG-Y?

    Enters segyio, a fast, open-source library, developed precisely to work with SEGY files. The aforementioned whole load of questions get answered by python libraries - segyio along with pylops and NumPy.


Seismic Data Inversion ("Click on the Image Link" for the YouTube Video on Seismic Data Inversion)

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